We offer this page as a “placeholder” while we work towards reconciliation and our organization’s definition of decolonization. We aim to be proper friends and allies to our Indigenous communities. We also offer this page as a resource tool for any of our staff, Board members, volunteers, partners and community members who are called to do the same.

Indigenous Corporate Training Inc. asks: what does decolonization mean for Canada?

Decolonization requires non-Indigenous Canadians to recognize and accept the reality of Canada’s colonial history, accept how that history paralyzed Indigenous Peoples, and how it continues to subjugate Indigenous Peoples.

“Colonialism was designed to keep Indigenous people impoverished. The truth is, Indigenous people had preexisting economies, resources and enough to sustain themselves and their communities. Colonialism created manufactured poverty.”

– Decolonial Clothing


Truth & Reconciliation 94 Calls to Action

Statement of Apology from Prime Minister Harper

The Soul Wounds of the Anishinabek People

The Canadian Encyclopedia’s article on Turtle Island